
Book Recommendations from Book Authority

Years ago I stumbled on a website called Book Authority. It was gathering a list of books that were recommended by famous and successful people like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, and many others. With the passing years, it has increased its number of books and it’s quite a useful website to search for book recommendations.

Browsing the books on the Main Page

One of the ways that you can check books is by just checking the main page, you’ll see different books from different categories. Below the book you will notice the different experts that have recommended it:

Browsing the recommendations of Experts

YouYou can browse book recommendations by the different experts that are listed on the website. There are 250 experts listed on the webpage and you can see the recommendations for each of them

If you click a person it will show you all their recommendations (the recommendations are taken from websites/articles/books/interviews).

Browsing by Book Category

You can also browse books by the different categories that are listed there. You have the main categories and have a very detailed list of subcategories by which you can browse books.

Book List View

Once you go to a list whether it’s by an expert or by a category you will notice the books are shown like this.

Each book besides the title has the description and the different experts recommending this book. When you click on the 22 others, it will show you the whole list.

Hope you’ll find the site useful and find many book recommendations.