Literature, Miscellaneous

Epitaphs of the War by Rudyard Kipling

I’ve read this a long time ago and them sorrowful and greatly written:

a servant 

We were together since the War began. 
He was my servant—and the better man.

an only son 

I have slain none except my Mother.    She 
(Blessing her slayer) died of grief for me.

the coward 

I could not look on Death, which being known, 
Men led me to him, blindfold and alone.

bombed in london 

On land and sea I strove with anxious care 
To escape conscription.    It was in the air!

common form 

If any question why we died, 
Tell them, because our fathers lied.

a dead statesman 

I could not dig: I dared not rob: 
Therefore I lied to please the mob. 
Now all my lies are proved untrue 
And I must face the men I slew. 
What tale shall serve me here among 
Mine angry and defrauded young?