Literature, Miscellaneous

Poem for your sprog

There is a user Poem_for_your_sprog in Reddit. The user has more than 8 million karma and posts poems for all kinds of subjects. One of those that I really loved is the one below:

“Come see my collection of heartaches!” he cried:
“My broken ambitions! The dreams that have died!
I’m taking a journey; I’m making a list –
Of chances I’ve scuppered and shots that I’ve missed!

“There’s flaws and frustrations, and there on the shelf –
Misfortunes and messes I’ve made for myself!
There’s mountains of blunders and bloopers to see!
There’s fountains of failures completed by me!

“Come see my collection – I’m sure we’ll have fun!
We’ll browse it together, and then when we’re done,”
He laughed with delight and a shake of his head:
“I’ll show you my wall of successes,” he said.