
Salary without Days Off

As you get more experience as a Developer sometimes you may get to a point where you work with unpaid days off, whether that’s a project-based contract or an hourly rating. While discussing with other developers I made some quick calculations just to check how much there is a difference between paid/unpaid days off.

By using this calculator you can see how much you have to add so that it equals a salary with days off. Let’s see an example:

If your monthly salary is $1000. If you have unpaid days off, it is equal to a salary of $923.08 with paid days off. 

So if you want to get paid 1000 but also have “paid days off” you can negotiate to make it like this:

The same is with an hourly rate

$50 hourly rate

You make it to $55 so that you can take your paid days off without bothering that you’re losing money.

Check out the calculator